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3 of Diamonds - Mitsubishi GTO (3000GT) Project Blog

Monday, 9 November 2015

Walk-around Washout

This weekend I took the GTO out for a spin, intending to find a nice spot in the countryside to do a walk-around of the car. But got caught up in a torrential downpour and gale force winds. My attempts to film the car seem to be cursed. The rain... The wind... Together, it was raining sideways...

Not be be put off by bad weather, like a preppy high school cheerleader I put my best 'positive mental attitude hat' on and decided to try a 0-60mph test instead. I told myself "the car has AWD, it'll be fine, the weather will barely make a difference!". How wrong was I?

The results are pictured below:

*Disclaimer* This screenshot was acquired on a private road by professionally-amateurish car bloggers. Do not try this at home. No puppies were harmed in the making of this screenshot. 

The same run was timed by my passenger as just under 6 seconds so think I need to find a more accurate app to do a 0-60 time with, especially as I only went to just over 60 due to road conditions and it reckons I got that 1/4 time... Ultimately either way I gotta give it another shot. I've wanted to do a benchmark acceleration test since getting the car using the 0-60 figure but cant start with one in poor conditions or my improvements to the car will look like they've had more effect than they have, 

Don't get me wrong, I am not expecting the car to knock out a 5 second flat 0-60 as it could when it was new, but I know it has more in it than 6.89... but I do think it could still dip below 6 on dry roads.

If anyone know of any good 0-60 timing apps, please feel free to drop me a message on the social sites, otherwise feel free to follow to keep up to date:

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