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3 of Diamonds - Mitsubishi GTO (3000GT) Project Blog

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Finally Driving Again

This week I properly returned to driving for the first time since my wrist was strapped up 3 weeks ago. Sadly that incident slowed down the progress I was hoping to make at the start of the year on the GTO. Still strapped up, still taking it easy, but making progress now! Coincidently this weekend also saw the return of snow, so I probably wouldn't have been able to get much done anyway!

So with my lack of driving, I have instead continued car part shopping. The next item I should be receiving now is an induction kit. I was torn between the K&N 57i kit and the HKS 3000gt Twin Induction kit. The K&N kit won over in the end as it offered similar performance but was much cheaper, although something about HKS still appeals to me, I always loved the HKS drag car in Gran Tourismo 2 and think that game is probably one of the main reasons I became a car guy...

This weekend (weather permitting) will see me take the GTO to its first car meet, hopefully of many. Even though its still very rough round the edges as I haven't even really started on it yet, I'm taking it over the SuperSport. What's the point of having a project if you don't take it places whilst its rolling, right?

So I was talking to a mate this week who will be taking his show car to the same meet (and it really will show my car up...) and we were talking about the aesthetics of our cars. I was trying to put into words how I feel about the GTO as it is, in it's current form, and this was what I came up with:

"She is like that girl you see across the club, smoking hot body and a cracking rack. She goes to the bar, so you follow to see if she'd be interested in letting you buy her a drink. Up close and in the better light you begin to realise she is a little older than you thought and 'rough round the edges' to say the least (as she orders a pint). You still strangely  wanna see what the outfit's hiding underneath, and you know you'd still hit that because you have a feeling she'd be a wild ride, just not without at least 4 rubbers...."

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